My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks and Other Funny Family Portraits
Text and Portraits by: Hanoch Piven
Published by: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2007
* I happened to find this book perusing the library shelves. The title definitely caught my interest. The young girl narrating the story is asked by her teacher to draw a picture of her family. But she doesn't like her drawing, because as she states, "there are so many things about him (dad) that you don't see in this picture." She then proceeds to describe her father comparing him to everyday objects. For example, "My daddy is as jumpy as a SPRING" with a picture of an actual spring. After each family member's object comparisons the girl creates a portrait using those objects. As a teacher, my mind was thinking, what a great book to teach similes and comparisons. As a parent my mind was thinking, what a creative and fun book! The author's note in the beginning of the book is very inspiring. He conducted a workshop at the Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel called "Drawing with Objects" for children and teens with cancer. The kids created self-portraits using everyday household objects. It is photos of these self-portraits that appear on the front and back inside covers of the book. Creating self-portraits inspired by this book sounds like a great rainy day activity that I may have the kids do over the summer!
This book was borrowed from the library.
Family Rating: 1 1/2 thumbs up!
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